My Profile View Profile How good is your sleep? Fill this in regularly to see how your sleep improves over time once you start to make changes My Sleep How would you rate the quality of your sleep overall?Select oneVery poorPoorFairGoodExcellentHow long does it usually take you to fall asleep?Select oneOver a hourBetween 30minutes to a hour10 - 15 minutesWithin 5 minutesHow often do you wake up during the night?Select oneFrequently: You wake up multiple times throughout the night, experiencing interruptions to your sleep on a regular basis.Often: You wake up fairly often during the night, with noticeable periods of wakefulness that occur with some frequency.Occasionally: You wake up occasionally during the night, experiencing interruptions to your sleep but not on a consistent or frequent basis.Rarely: You rarely wake up during the night, with only infrequent instances of waking that do not significantly impact the overall continuity of your sleep.Very rarely: You almost never wake up during the night, enjoying uninterrupted sleep with minimal instances of wakefulness.How refreshed do you usually feel upon waking up in the morning?Select oneNot refreshed at all - You wake up feeling exhausted and groggySlightly refreshed - still feel somewhat tired.Moderately refreshed - reasonably refreshed and energizedQuite refreshed - noticeably rejuvenated, with a good level of energy and mental clarityFully refreshed - completely revitalised and ready to tackle the day aheadHow often do you experience difficulty staying asleep?Select oneVery often - You frequently find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night, struggling to stay asleep for prolonged periods.Often - You often experience episodes of restlessness during the night, resulting in difficulties maintaining continuous sleep.Occasionally - You occasionally have difficulty staying asleep, with occasional interruptions that may disrupt your sleep but don't happen consistently.Rarely - You rarely experience trouble staying asleep, as most nights you can sleep through without significant interruptions.How frequently do you wake up too early and have trouble falling back to sleep?Select oneVery frequently - You wake up early and struggle to fall back asleep on most nights, experiencing this issue more often than not.Frequently - You frequently wake up too early and find it challenging to return to sleep, encountering this problem on a regular basis.Occasionally - these occurrences happening infrequently or sporadically.Rarely - it happens only on rare occasions or very seldom.Never – you sleep throughout the night without such difficulties.What is the overall duration of your sleep?Select oneLess than 4 hoursMore than 10 hours4-6 hours8-10 hours7-8 hoursHow would you rate the consistency of your sleep schedule?Select oneVery irregular: Your sleep schedule varies significantly from day to day, making it difficult to establish a consistent routine.Somewhat irregular: Your sleep schedule has some variations, with occasional inconsistencies in bedtime and wake-up times.Moderately consistent: Your sleep schedule is fairly consistent most of the time, with minor variations on certain days.Consistent: Your sleep schedule is generally consistent, with minimal deviations and regular bed and wake-up times.What time do you typically go to bed at night?Select oneVery late (past midnight): You consistently go to bed in the late hours of the night, significantly past midnight.Very early (before 9 PM): You consistently go to bed very early, often before 9 PM.Late (after 11 PM): You usually go to bed after 11 PM, but it may vary occasionally.Early (around 9 PM): You tend to go to bed around 9 PM, maintaining a relatively early sleep schedule.Moderate (around 10 PM): Your typical bedtime is around 10 PM, with minor variations depending on the day.Do you snore?Select oneVery often: You snore loudly and consistently throughout the night, causing disruptions to your sleep and potentially affecting others.Often: You snore frequently during sleep, with noticeable periods of loud snoring that may occasionally disturb your sleep or others around you.Occasionally: You snore sporadically during sleep, with episodes occurring infrequently and not significantly impacting your sleep quality or others.Rarely: You snore only on rare occasions during sleep, with minimal impact on your sleep or others around you.Never: You do not snore during sleep, experiencing no snoring-related issues or disruptions.